Home Sprinkler System Fundamentals

When it comes to plumbing services, most homeowners think of the standard stuff. From the water pipes in your home to toilet and tub issues, plumbers typically deal with a lot of mundane issues. However, there's more to plumbing services than the basic work. One thing most homeowners don't realize, but should, is that plumbers can also help you protect your home. Here's a look at what you need to know about getting a home sprinkler system installation to protect your home from fire.

Sprinkler Systems Activate By Heat

When your plumber asks you about the sprinkler heads that you want, opt for heat-activated sprinkler heads. These units contain a small heat-sensitive vial that, when exposed to intense heat from a fire, will shatter and allow water to flow through the sprinkler head. Ask about the heat-activated units and choose the ones that you feel safest with, as each has different temperature ratings.

Sprinkler Systems Come In Several Forms

There are a couple of different forms of fire sprinkler systems, and you'll need to discuss the options with your plumber to determine which ones are best for your home. Wet systems are ones that carry water in the pipes at all times. The water usually circulates through the pipes consistently to keep it from becoming stagnant, but the pipes stay full of water at all times so that water can flow immediately if a sprinkler is activated.

There are also dry systems, which are fire sprinkler systems that don't contain water in the pipes all the time. These systems contain pressurized air in the pipes, and that air keeps the water at bay until a sprinkler is activated. When a sprinkler is activated, the air flows out, eliminating the pressure in that pipe and allowing the water to flow out.

If you are running sprinkler pipes in an area of your home that isn't heated consistently, dry lines are the best option. Otherwise, you'll probably want to stick with wet pipes so that you have immediate water flow when needed.

Your Plumber Can Create Zones Or Individual Sprays

Depending on the structure of your home and the risk of fire spread, your plumber may install a zoned sprinkler system or one that's isolated to individual sprinkler heads. Zoned sprinkler systems will activate entire sections of the sprinkler system if one sprinkler head is activated. Individual systems will only activate the sprinkler head that's been triggered by the fire. The fire would have to spread to activate other sprinkler heads.

Talk with your plumber about the best, most effective sprinkler system for your home. Then, work with your plumber to install it so that you can be sure that the lines are secure and properly installed. Click here for more information or speak with a local plumbing professional. 
